Frances and Annie
Frances and Annie
2009 –Director/ Writer
8 minutes
When a young woman drops by to greet her new neighbours, her preconceptions of who is responsible for a horrendous tragedy hinges on a face and a note.
An inclusive short film, inspired by the pre-conceptions people have of what it means to have disability. When researching one-day I picked up the dictionary to see how it defined disability, within the explanation, it described disability as “tragic”. This disturbed me – how can we label some one’s life as tragic? Many of the people I know today who have disability are living fulfilling and rich lives, I certainly wouldn’t say they are tragic because they have disability. So, I created a film designed to confront audiences with what their preconceptions actually are.
Frances and Annie has screened nationally and internationally at numerous film festivals including, the Other Film Festival, Dungog International Film Festival, and won Best Script at the Bondi Short Film Festival.
Producer: Eleanor Winkler
DOP: Jules O’Loughlin
Editor: Andrew Soo
Composer: Bernice Klum | J.R. Veda
Production Company – Bus Stop Films
Youth Award – Canberra Short Film Festival, ACT 2009
Best Script – Bondi Short Film Festival, Sydney 2009
Dungog Film Festival, Dungog 2010
The Other Film Festival, Melbourne 2010
EOP! Film Festival, Belgium, 2013
Sprout Film Festival, New York 2011