Genevieve features on the cover of the White Pages to promote no-for-profit work!
Each year Sensis profiles community heros and those making a difference to rasie awareness about their work in the community, called ‘The Community Project’ it has been running for more than 15 years across Australia. Sensis selects a theme for the phone books each year and calls for nominations of people who fit the selection criteria of that theme. This years theme is ‘Australian Stars Rising Above’ and Sensis was on the hunt for up and coming Australians who are making positive changes in their community. Genevieve was nominated by someone special (she still doesn’t know who!) to appear on the cover
“I don’t know who nominated me, but I’d love to find out! From there I was shortlisted by the team at the Yellow Pages and White Pages and then I was selected to be on the cover. I feel very grateful towards whoever nominated me, to think that someone out there believes in what I’m doing and thinks that what I’m doing is worth attention is very humbling and encouraging.” Genevieve said.