I have been thinking about this a lot lately, as I am currently living in Cambodia where ‘disability’ is still very taboo. Many people have limited understandings of what different disabilities are, why they happen, what it means for the person and their family, but also what people with disabilities are capable of.

I feel a particular connection to ensuring that people with disabilities get everything they want, are capable of and deserve because my cousin has Down Syndrome. Fortunately, my aunty and uncle believe that their son should get all the opportunities any non-Down Syndrome child received. Because of this, my cousin completed his schooling, has worked his entire adult life (he is in his forties), excelled in sports including participation in the Special Olympics, is a volunteer and supports younger members of the community through community social groups.

When we talk about disability, equity is key. That is, ensuring that all people get what they need in order to succeed and excel.The part that is all too often missed is really giving people with disabilities the opportunity to shine their light and talent on the world, and including them in spaces where they are allowed to develop their skills, education and experience. They deserve it just as much as anyone else.

One amazing group in Australia that is doing this, and that I cannot talk highly enough about, is Bus Stop Films.

Co-Founded and run by CEO Genevieve Clay-Smith (who in my personal opinion is a straight up legend!!), Bus Stop aims to provide inclusive film-making education, where specialised classes are designed so that the students, all of whom have a disability, can learn about and be a part of all stages of the film-making process – from concept, script writing, filming, acting, directing and editing. Through this, the groups also using film-making as a tool for social change.